
Drupal Console 1.9.3 is out.

New Features

  • Fixed Support new installers location for console-en
  • Add --default option to database:add
  • Add bundle permissions for content entity generator
  • Ensure $roles is an array when creating users.

Required Changes

Update your drupal console version to 1.9.3 with the following command

$composer update drupal/console --with-all-dependencies



f26fd9b5fdb389719d77ff30849af714762e7d2b Update version to 1.9.3 (#4144)
c4a3b5ffe400c5619f98d953005d6f7585138cea Add --default option to database:add (#4143)
3c83f02ed1e928664ca48ac8bb26a8d0a5d6601f Add bundle permissions for content entity (#4138)
e03be58c04df123849fa991634981c6e4dc0601f Generate revisional entity content is broken (#4139)
b84ad5c424d3494f8015982017bfd0e240fa497d Ensure $roles is an array when creating users. (#4134)
b34af90e23cdde20f0e376392efe92f737cade85 [TravisCI] Create a local mirror Composer repository to load drupal/console from the git clone (#4137)
a4ce15b5f7a9d6200440cfa056a081019f627e22 Fix TravisCI testing (#4136)


1d2d579d6a6dfd4551cb8fa1427c551b0a5d5473  Update drupal/console-en dependency to 1.9.3 (#367)


8b0299cf2033f0ddf27dc1f000f393c8f34d423d Remove composer packagist type (#252)
39f2cb1daa3a32d801fa45da4770cdb8e4bfa210 Add the translation for the new --default option (#251)
3f29719f546042461714b8b47714680efe20a5c6 Add has-bundle-permission for generate:entity:content. (#250)
a8872d3b5d4d3b6ff73e6f6b8635c2e10e1074df Fix PHP Code Sniffer warnings (#249)


93c126b3fc27e91940e7782159d676a33bbde8e1 Update drupal console core and en dependencies to 1.9.3 (#169)