Generate field type plugin.
drupal generate:plugin:fieldtype [options]
Available options
Option | Details |
--module | The Module name. |
--class | Plugin class name |
--label | Plugin label |
--plugin-id | Plugin id |
--description | Plugin Description |
--default-widget | Default field widget of this plugin |
--default-formatter | Default field formatter of this plugin |
Generate a field type plugin specifying the module name, the class, its label, the plugin id and a description
drupal generate:plugin:fieldtype \
--module="modulename" \
--class="ExampleFieldType" \
--label="Example field type" \
--plugin-id="example_field_type" \
--description="My Field Type"
Generate a field type plugin with a default widget and formatter specifying the module name, the class, its label, the plugin id and a description
drupal generate:plugin:fieldtype \
--module="modulename" \
--class="ExampleFieldType" \
--label="Example field type" \
--plugin-id="example_field_type" \
--description="My Field Type" \
--default-widget="DefaultWidget" \