
Generate a migrate source plugin


drupal generate:plugin:migrate:source  [options]

Options disponibles



Le nom du module.


Plugin class name


Plugin id


Table to query


Short alias to refer to the table as


Field to group results by


Fields to export


Generate a migration source plugin specifying the module name, the class, its plugin id, the table and its alias

drupal generate:plugin:migrate:source  \
  --module="modulename"  \
  --class="PluginClassName"  \
  --plugin-id="plugin_class_name"  \
  --table="DefaultTableName"  \

Generate a migration source plugin for specific fields of the users table specifying the module name, the class, its plugin id, the table, its alias and the fields

drupal generate:plugin:migrate:source  \
  --module="modulename"  \
  --class="DefaultPluginClass"  \
  --plugin-id="default_plugin_class"  \
  --table="users"  \
  --alias="u"  \
  --fields='"id":"id", "description":"the user id"'  \
  --fields='"id":"username", "description":"the username"'  \
  --fields='"id":"password", "description":"the user password"'  \
  --fields='"id":"email", "description":"the user email"'