
Generate field type, widget and formatter plugins.


drupal generate:plugin:field  [options]

Available options





Field type plugin class name


Field type plugin label


Field type plugin id


Field type plugin description


Field formatter plugin class name


Field formatter plugin label


Field formatter plugin id


Field formatter plugin class name


Field widget plugin label


Field widget plugin id


Field type the formatter and widget plugin can be used with


Default field widget of the field type plugin


Default field formatter of field type plugin


Generate field type, widget and formatter plugins specifying the module name, the type (class, label, plugin id and description), the formatter (class, label, plugin id) and the widget (class, label and plugin id)

drupal generate:plugin:field  \
  --module="modulename"  \
  --type-class="ExampleFieldType"  \
  --type-label="Example field type"  \
  --type-plugin-id="example_field_type"  \
  --type-description="My Field Type"  \
  --formatter-class="ExampleFormatterType"  \
  --formatter-label="Example formatter type"  \
  --formatter-plugin-id="example_formatter_type"  \
  --widget-class="ExampleWidgetType"  \
  --widget-label="Example widget type"  \
  --widget-plugin-id="example_widget_type"  \
  --field-type="example_field_type"  \
  --default-widget="example_widget_type"  \