Export a specific config entity and their fields.
drupal config:export:entity [arguments] [options]
Opções disponíveis
Opção | Detalhes |
--module | O nome do módulo. |
--optional-config | Export bundle as an optional YAML configuration in your module |
--remove-uuid | If set, the configuration will be exported without uuid key. |
--remove-config-hash | If set, the configuration will be exported without the default site hash key. |
--include-module-dependencies | Include bundle module dependencies in module info YAML file |
Argumentos disponíveis
Argumento | Detalhes |
entity-type | An entity type (node_type, taxonomy_vocabulary, paragraphs_type) to be exported |
bundle | A bundle to be exported |
Provide an entity type, a bundle and a module name
drupal config:export:entity node_type page \
If you want export a bundle as an optional config
drupal config:export:entity node_type page \
--module="demo" \
--optional-config \
--remove-uuid \