Generează o temă.
drupal generate:theme [options]
Available options
Option | Details |
--theme | Numele temei |
--machine-name | Numele maşină (doar caracere minuscule şi caracterul "_" sunt suportate) |
--theme-path | Calea spre temă |
--description | Descrierea temei |
--core | Versiunea nucleului |
--package | Pachetul |
--global-library | Numele librariei de stilizare globală |
--libraries | Libraries |
--base-theme | Tema de bază (ex.: classy, stable) |
--base-theme-regions | Add the default regions of the chosen base theme |
--regions | Regiuni |
--breakpoints | Puncte de întrerupere |
Generate a theme without region and without breakpoint specifying the theme name, its machine name, the theme path, a description, the drupal core, the package name and the global library
drupal generate:theme \
--theme="AnotherTheme" \
--machine-name="anothertheme" \
--theme-path="/themes/custom" \
--description="My Awesome theme" \
--core="8.x" \
--package="PackageName" \
--global-library="global-styling" \
Generate a theme base on stable theme with two region defined and one breakpoint specifying the theme name, its machine name, the theme path, a description, the drupal core, the package name, a global library, its base, the regions and the breakpoint
drupal generate:theme \
--theme="MyTheme" \
--machine-name="mytheme" \
--theme-path="/themes/custom" \
--description="My Awesome theme" \
--core="8.x" \
--package="MyThemePackage" \
--global-library="global-styling" \
--base-theme="stable" \
--regions='"region_name":"Content", "region_machine_name":"content"' \
--regions='"region_name":"Panel", "region_machine_name":"panel"' \
--breakpoints='"breakpoint_name":"narrow", "breakpoint_label":"narrow", "breakpoint_media_query":"all and (min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 850px)", "breakpoint_weight":"1", "breakpoint_multipliers":"1x"'