
Generar connector de tipus de camp.


drupal generate:plugin:fieldtype  [options]

Available options



Nom del mòdul.


Nom de la classe del connector


Etiqueta del connector


Identificador del connector


Descripció del connector


Giny de camp predeterminat d'aquest connector


Formatador de camp predeterminat d'aquest connector


Generate a field type plugin specifying the module name, the class, its label, the plugin id and a description

drupal generate:plugin:fieldtype  \
  --module="modulename"  \
  --class="ExampleFieldType"  \
  --label="Example field type"  \
  --plugin-id="example_field_type"  \
  --description="My Field Type"

Generate a field type plugin with a default widget and formatter specifying the module name, the class, its label, the plugin id and a description

drupal generate:plugin:fieldtype  \
  --module="modulename"  \
  --class="ExampleFieldType"  \
  --label="Example field type"  \
  --plugin-id="example_field_type"  \
  --description="My Field Type"  \
  --default-widget="DefaultWidget"  \