
Generar un tema.


drupal generate:theme  [options]

Available options



Nom del tema


Nom màquina del tema (només minúscules i caràcter de subratllat)


Camí del tema


Descripció del tema


Versió del Core


Paquet del tema


Nom global de l'estil de la biblioteca




Base del tema (p.e. classy, stable)


Add the default regions of the chosen base theme




Punts d'interrupció (Breakpoints)


Generate a theme without region and without breakpoint specifying the theme name, its machine name, the theme path, a description, the drupal core, the package name and the global library

drupal generate:theme  \
  --theme="AnotherTheme"  \
  --machine-name="anothertheme"  \
  --theme-path="/themes/custom"  \
  --description="My Awesome theme"  \
  --core="8.x"  \
  --package="PackageName"  \
  --global-library="global-styling"  \

Generate a theme base on stable theme with two region defined and one breakpoint specifying the theme name, its machine name, the theme path, a description, the drupal core, the package name, a global library, its base, the regions and the breakpoint

drupal generate:theme  \
  --theme="MyTheme"  \
  --machine-name="mytheme"  \
  --theme-path="/themes/custom"  \
  --description="My Awesome theme"  \
  --core="8.x"  \
  --package="MyThemePackage"  \
  --global-library="global-styling"  \
  --base-theme="stable"  \
  --regions='"region_name":"Content", "region_machine_name":"content"'  \
  --regions='"region_name":"Panel", "region_machine_name":"panel"'  \
  --breakpoints='"breakpoint_name":"narrow", "breakpoint_label":"narrow", "breakpoint_media_query":"all and (min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 850px)", "breakpoint_weight":"1", "breakpoint_multipliers":"1x"'