How to copy configuration files

How to copy configuration files

The first task you should do after installing Drupal Console is to execute the init command. Executing this command will copy the project configurations files to your ~/.console/ directory. Overriding values on these copied files is how you can change DrupalConsole behaviour.

$ drupal init [--override]

Which files are copied when executing the init command.

  ├── aliases.yml
  ├── chain
  │   ├── create-data.yml
  │   ├── form-sample.yml
  │   ├── quick-start-mysql.yml
  │   ├── quick-start.yml
  │   ├── sample.yml
  │   ├── site-drop-restore.yml
  │   ├── site-install.yml
  │   └── update-gitbook.yml
  ├── commands.yml
  ├── config.yml
  ├── console.rc
  ├── phpcheck.yml
  ├── router.php
  ├── site.mode.yml
  └── sites
      └── sample.yml